Saturday, September 24, 2005


I really need to stop letting Michigan Football affect my life. I am one upset dude right now. I ache inside. This sucks.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

"Real helpful, Jesus. Real helpful."

Recently, The Onion opened up its archives. This is fantastic news. Now I can, at my leisure, revisit my favorite come-ons from Smoove B, the very best office equipment-inspired shit-talking of Herbert Kornfeld, and, probably the best of all, waste time using the (admittedly frustrating and clumsy) search function to find any old article I might recall having enjoyed in the past. It took me a little while, but I finally found one of my all-time favorites, an old Point- Counterpoint wherein Jesus squares off against one of his followers. Comedy gold. So thanks, Jesus. Thanks a bunch. You were really there for me when things got tough. Asshole. Who'd have thought sacrilege could be such fun?

Friday, September 09, 2005

First the Hurricane, Then the Cheif, Now This?

I don't know about you, but I'm greatly saddened by this. Trev is gone. The Mark and Trev duo will be no more. Fall Saturdays just won't be the same.
Seriously though- who is Trev Alberts kidding, complaining about "playing second fiddle" on the show. He certainly didn't play second fiddle to Mark May except that May seemed to have much more carefully crafted and well thought-out opinions. Equally indefinsible in most cases, of course, but they tended to come off a little better. As for the real GameDay crew (Chris, Kirk, and Lee), you really can't expect to fiddle alongside those guys, as they're the best in the biz.
Now, I haven't seen GameDay with the new addition of Nick Lachey (I have no idea how to spell his name) yet, but I hope he doesn't suck it up on TV like he does on record and in life. Anyway, so long Trev. I'll miss you.

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