Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Good Stuff... Good Stuff

There are discussions going on here and here about how many five-year olds a grown person could concievably defeat, all at once, in hand-to-hand combat. As I posted to MetaFilter (in the thread from the first link), I really think the only limit on this number is the grown person's stamina. Only ten or so of them are going to have access to you at any one time, so if you can withstand that, then you can just eliminate a few at a time until you become too tired to withstand their puny attacks any longer. If you are buff/ in shape, this would be a long time, and a lot of five-year olds.
Another link I rediscovered in my bookmarks lately is this one. You might have to watch a dog food commercial before you get to the good part, but it's totally worth it. The parrot talks! I can't decide if I like him being excited or evil the best. Animals!
Some of you might be interested to know that I had my interview with Teach for America yesterday. I think it went pretty well, although I might have been a little too personal in the interview. I didn't think the interview was very good, though, and was trying to do the best I could with what I felt were very limiting questions. If you are somehow reading this and somehow have a TFA story (either as a corps member, an interviewee, or both), I'd love to hear it. Post a comment or shoot me an email. Everybody else can just wish me luck being admitted. I'd love to end up doing TFA. We'll see.


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